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CADS promotes health and safety at work in conditions where people of high ability are attracted to work in the firm and to develop rewarding careers. We strive for enhancement of our performance through continuous process improvement whist maintaining mutual respect in relationships with employees, affiliates and clients.

CADS will use its skills and influence to promote sustainable practices to achieve the long-term success of the business resulting in CADS being known throughout the industry for the excellence of its software and technical services and supporting our customers’ objective of improving the built environment.


CADS Policies

Anti-Corruption and Bribery Policy

CADS will conduct its business in an honest and ethical manner. The Company takes a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption and is committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all its business dealings and relationships wherever it operates

CADS Business, Ethics and Conduct Policy

This policy describes our values and CADS’ commitment to conducting all aspects of our business ethically, honestly and with integrity and respect.

Environmental Policy

CADS is committed to providing a quality service and software applications for our Clients in a manner that ensures a safe and healthy workplace for our employees which minimises our potential impact on the environment. We will operate in compliance with all relevant environmental legislation and strive to use pollution prevention and environmental best practices in all we do.

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Policy

CADS recognises that it has a social responsibility to improve the built environment and the construction processes that create and maintain it. CADS software has the power to make a difference by helping to improve estimating, structural design & detailing and inspection processes. At CADS we actively seek ways to minimise our environmental impact and that of our customers, affiliates and suppliers. Our various policy statements and policies set out our objectives on environmental issues. We are committed to the lives of all those involved in or affected by our business and to making a positive impact on society in general and our policies describe our goals with respect to social issues including human rights and modern slavery and delivering EDI (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) in the workplace. We are committed to the highest standards of business ethics and ethical standards we expect all our colleagues and everyone working with us to meet.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

CADS encourages equality, diversity and inclusion among our workforce, and eliminating unlawful discrimination. The aim is for our workforce to be truly representative of all sections of society and our customers, and for each employee to feel respected and able to give their best.

GDPR Compliance Policy

This policy sets out how we collect, store and process personal data when our customers are enquiring about, buying or subscribing and using any of our software solutions and services or using our websites.
We endeavour to inform customers about their privacy rights and how the law protects anyone that interacts with CADS so that they are fully aware of how and why we are using their data.

Health, Safety and Welfare Policy

CADS is committed to maintain the highest standard of safety for those for whom it is responsible. This includes employees, tenants in common, contractors or subcontractors who work on site, visitors and members of the general public.

Sustainability Policy

CADS recognises the importance of the role it has to play in the environmental stewardship of its properties and in promoting principles of sustainability in its business activities. CADS will manage and control its environmental risks in a sustainable manner by complying with relevant legislation and adopting, where appropriate, best practice.

Modern Slavery Policy

CADS has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all its business dealings and relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in our own business.

Social Values Policy

Thus whilst CADS has limited opportunities to support those with barriers to employment, it does seek to reach out to community and educational organisations as well seeking to improve the quality of the built environment by better and more economic design through the use of its software by Civil and Structural Engineers throughout the world.

Occupational Health and Safety Strategy

CADS is committed to ensuring the health, safety and welfare of its employees and any other people who may be affected by our operations. We aim to improve the health, safety and welfare of its employees and continue the momentum towards eliminating workplace injuries and illnesses.

Quality Policy

This policy outlines CADS’ commitment to delivering & maintaining high standards of quality in our Software Solutions and Professional Engineering Services through strict compliance with all applicable standards and regulations.

Policy Request

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