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First Steps with RFEM

A guide to getting started with Dlubal RFEM including links to webinars, manuals and training videos and tutorials.

CADS Dlubal Licencing

Details of the RFEM software architecture, licence types and the optional levels of support contract offered.

CADS Dlubal Solutions

Details of RFEM and the optional add-on modules including concrete flat slab, steel frame, connections and timber CLT panel design. The list of options for obtaining a licence, buy, rent or subscribe, are also given.

CADS Dlubal Specification

A summary of the features of RFEM and guidance as to the recommended computer specification required to run it.

CADS Dlubal Videos

A selection of useful videos covering every stage of the design process from model input to printout and BIM.

CADS Dlubal

An introduction to Dlubal RFEM with links to customer projects, free trial, brochure and guidance on learning with RFEM First Steps.
Dlubal RFEM

Dlubal RFEM

Dlubal RFEM is a standalone solution capable of designing civil and structural engineering projects of varying complexity in a wide range of construction materials. Its versatile application and easy-to-use interface makes perfect for all types of structure.
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